The City of Pittsburgh will open its 18 outdoor swimming pools on Tuesday, June 9, and launch an initiative to encourage children 15 years and younger to learn to swim and enjoy Citiparks aquatic facilities throughout the summer thanks to an innovative approach by Citiparks in response to Council's efforts to promote free swimming for low and moderate income families with children.
City residents 15 and younger who register at Citiparks Recreation Centers can swim for free all summer.

Only children presenting valid Recreation Center membership cards will receive free entry to the Citiparks pools; all others will need to pay daily admission or purchase a yearly pool tag.  To receive the free admission, a parent must register each child – who must be 15 years or younger and a resident of the City of Pittsburgh – at any of the Citiparks’ 10 Recreation Centers and then bring the membership card to the pool each day for entry. 

In addition, in 2015 the City will expand the opportunity for children ages 6 to 15 years old to receive free swimming instruction at all pools.

This summer Citiparks will offer free learn-to-swim classes at every pool location during a two-week period from June 22 – July 3 from 11 to 11:45 a.m. each weekday.  Spots are limited, so advance registration for this popular program is necessary.

Registration for free learn-to-swim classes will take place at each pool location.  Advance sale of pool tags and registration for classes will take place on Saturday, June 6, and Sunday, June 7, from 1 – 6 p.m. and on Monday, June 8, from 4 – 8 p.m.

  • Hours of operation for the outdoor pools are weekdays 1 – 7:45 p.m. and Saturdays, Sundays and holidays 1 – 5:45 p.m.
  • Individuals can purchase pool tags for year-round admission to Citiparks outdoor pools and the Oliver Bath House, which operates in the off season.  Cost of pool tags for City residents:  $60 for family of four; $10 for each additional family member; $30 for adult (16 years and older); $20 for seniors (60 years and older); $15 for youth (3 – 15 years old); free for child (2 years and younger). Family passes for active duty military and disabled veteran residents are at no cost.  For non-City residents the cost is $45 for adult or youth.  Those interested in purchasing daily admission can do so at any pool beginning on June 9.  Cost is $3 for children ages 3 – 15 and $5 for individuals 16 and older.

Click here to read the original press release and more info

 Two Capital Budget Deliberative Forums will be held this year as part of the City’s Capital Budget development process. This year, the hearings will follow a new format that gives residents the chance to learn more about what goes into the Capital Budget, discuss needs and priorities in a small-group setting, and ask questions of an expert panel. Residents will also have the chance to let the City know of specific Capital work in their neighborhoods that they would like to see done in 2016.
    High resident participation is crucial to the success of the Capital Budget process, which is why we ask that all community-based groups commit to sending at least ONE representative from their neighborhood to one of our Capital Budget Deliberative Forums to ensure equal participation citywide.
  • Wednesday, June 3, 6-8:30 PM  Greenfield Senior Ctr 745 Greenfield Ave
  • Monday, June 22, 6-8:30 PM Southside Market House 1 Bedford Square
Each session will include:
  • A brief overview of the budgeting process.
  • Small-group discussions of budget priorities and resident’s needs.
  • An opportunity for residents to ask questions of an expert panel.
We ask all participants to commit to the entire 2.5 hours of the forum.  Food and refreshments will be provided.  While it is not mandatory, we would appreciate your pre-registration.

 OPDC's 35th Anniversary Celebration: An Evening of Oakland Storytelling. The event will take place on Friday, June 12, 2015 at the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children. 
Enjoy live Oakland stories curated with support from The Moth in Pittsburgh, food from Legume, and locally sourced beer and wine.  Tickets are $50.

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The developers of the proposed Campus Advantage building on Forbes Avenue shared the attached presentation with us. They will present this to the Planning Commission Meeting June 2nd.
There are a few notable changes to previous plans; now the top two floors of parking enter from Euler Way, with the first floor parking still entering from Forbes.  This change resulted in a small reduction in the proposed parking spaces, however the project still meets the parking requirements.  The designs also show additional greenery at the resident amenity space on the 4th floor facing Forbes and incorporate some color detail based on CDAP feedback.