Oakwatch : The Oakland Code Enforcement Project
Third Wednesdays
February 17, 6pm at the Oakland Career Center, 294 Semple St, Pgh, PA 15213.
Check the webpage for further details and any last minute changes.
Green Team : Putting the “oak” back in Oakland
Third Thursdays
February 18, 6pm, Oakland Career Center, 294 Semple St, Pgh, PA 15213.
Southwestern PA Commission is scheduled to present their road safety audit of Bellefield Ave.
Check the webpage for further details and any last minute changes.
The Snow Angels ??program matches neighbors with neighbors to shovel the walks of those who are unable to do this on their own. Volunteers impact lives in our community by ensuring our more vulnerable neighbors continue to have access to essential services such as home-delivered meals and medications during the harsh winter months.