The City of Pittsburgh is pleased to announce that it has been invited to apply for the newly announced Public Art Challenge Grant, offered by Bloomberg Philanthropies.

Announced by Bloomberg Philanthropies on October 13th, 2014, the grant allows mayors of municipalities with populations of more than 30,000 to apply as lead applicant, with an artist or arts organization as a partner. To this end, the City of Pittsburgh is offering a Partner Application, and is requesting that all interested artists and arts organizations that wish to partner with the City of Pittsburgh on this grant opportunity please utilize this application document in order to make such a request.

For more information, read the full article:

Allegheny County and the City of Pittsburgh are putting out a county-wide call for volunteers to help our elderly and disabled residents stay safe this winter through the Allegheny Snow Angels program.
Snow Angels is a program that helps minimize the hardships of winter by pairing volunteers with elderly or disabled residents to assist with snow removal. Snow covered sidewalks can be hazardous for everyone. Along with fostering stronger community relationships, and relieving some of the stress that comes from a snow storm, Snow Angels makes our sidewalks safer for those who continue to serve despite the winter weather – like postal service workers, firemen, and police officers.
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For more info read the full article:


In an effort to increase community participation and awareness, the District 6 Office is currently revamping our Mobile Office visits. During this time we will be canceling the visits until after the New Year. In the meantime if there are any questions or issues please feel free to contact the office at 412-255-2134. 


District 6 Office