Oakwatch is this Wednesday (November 19) at 12pm at the Jewish Federation (234 McKee Place). Guest speakers from both the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board and Pittsburgh Action Against Rape will join us. If you haven't already, please RSVP at 412.621.7863 ext. 27 so they know how many will be attending. The Jewish Federation asks that you leave outside food and drinks outside.
These hearings will go before Magistrate Ricciardi (1700 E Carson Street, 3rd floor) on Thursday, November 20, at 10am:
  • 418 Semple Street (continuance): Violation: Sidewalk disrepair Owner: Susan and James R Connors
  • 342 Meyran Avenue: Violation: Couch on porch Owner: Jamil Khalil
  • 3612 Frazier Street: Violation: Overgrowth on property Owner: Lavaughn Williams
  • 21 Oakland Square (continuance): Violation: Work without a permit Owner: Stephen P Pellegrino and Mary V Shea
  • 19 Oakland Square: Violation: Deteriorating exterior walls/ Structurally unsound porch/ Improper roof drainage/ Improper handrails Owner: Stephen P Pellegrino and Mary V Shea
  • 3325 Parkview Avenue (continuance): Violation: Garbage and debris throughout property/ Incorrect handrails on front entry steps, exterior steps and interior basement steps/ Deteriorating roof drains, gutters and downspouts Owner: Peter Kamaras