pdf icon Urban-Ag-Changes.pdf

Proposed Zoning Code Text Amendment
Land Use Control File No. C-782
Agriculture and Urban Agriculture
The Planning Commission has initiated a Zoning Code Text amendment related to Urban Agriculture. The amendment is proposing to:
  • expand the allowable zoning districts and use classifications for all types of 
  • amend and supplement the use standards for all types of Agriculture and 
  • add definitions to supplement Agriculture and Urban Agriculture
A copy of the proposed text amendment may be reviewed at the Zoning Office on the 3rd floor of 200 Ross St., Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. or online at  www.pittsburghpa.gov/dcp/notices 
The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the proposed text amendments
Tuesday, March 24, 2015 @ 2:00 p.m.
John P. Robin Civic Building, 1st Floor
200 Ross Street, Pittsburgh PA
Testimony presented by individuals will be limited to three minutes each. In addition, any
person who intends to testify on behalf of an organization such as a chamber of commerce, community club, etc., shall provide a “Letter of Authorization” from the appropriate duly appointed officers before testifying. Prepared comments, statistics or
reports in printed form may be presented to the Commission to support testimony or in lieu of testimony. (Interpreters for the hearing impaired will be provided with 4 days notice by contacting Richard Meritzer at 412-255-2102.) You may call 412-255-2241 if 

pdf icon Home-Share-Program.pdf
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Save the Date for the Home Share Summit
Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Social Work Conference Center
Cathedral of Learning, Room 2017
Organized by Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education
University of Pittsburgh MSW Students

To attend, please RSVP to: Breann Farrier at bnf11@pitt.edu by Tuesday, March 10th

Home Share Program
Speaker: Janet Hunko, LMSW
Director at UMHS Housing Bureau for Seniors*, Ann Arbor, MI
The Home-Sharing movement is an innovative community response to help older adults age at home, retaining the highest level of independence possible while simultaneously promoting intergenerational living and mutual support. Such programs promote shared housing among older adults and between older adults and younger members of the community, often university students. This Home Share Summit explores the potential benefits of Home-Sharing through a presentation about a successful program in Michigan followed by a brief Q & A and a discussion of the possibilities and opportunities in the Pittsburgh area. Please join us if you are interested in learning more about this model and meeting others who are also interested in the possibility of bringing it to the Pittsburgh area.

*The Housing Bureau for Seniors is a community supported program of University of Michigan Health System